The Apps

We have developed two apps to support health care staff during neonatal resuscitation, NeoTapLS for smartphone and NeoTapAS for Ipad. Both apps can be downloaded free of charge. They are based on a screen-tapping method and necessitate no probes being attached to the baby. The goal is to improve adherence to neonatal resuscitation guidelines and by that improve neonatal resuscitation outcomes. The apps provide support for health workers during every step of neonatal resuscitation.


NeoTap Life Support (LS) is for health staff delivering babies and performing neonatal resuscitating in both low- and high-resource settings. The interface is designed to be visible even if a latex glove protects the phone. Health workers today carry their own mobile devices, even in low-resource settings. NeoTapLS integrates the essential information needed for newborn resuscitation in midwives own mobile phones. For smartphone, available for Android and IOS in English, French, German and Swedish.


NeoTap Advanced Support (AS) for Ipad is a mHealth platform for healthcare professionals who perform neonatal resuscitation and was primarily developed for use in Sweden. The purpose is to improve the quality of registration during resuscitation and support healthcare professionals in the work and documentation of events. The app provides support for education and research. Buttons are reprogrammable and can be used for video review research. NeoTap AS is only a support during clinical work and education. It does not replace any medical equipment.

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